Counting the nights

For the last year and a half, we have been going down to sees my Father-in-law in Salinas twice a month. We have spent a lot of time there recently. Over the past 15 years, since I've known Kate, I think I've spent 100 nights in Salinas at the house of her youth. We spend holidays there, stayed when we went to Foster Parenting classes, visited Bob after COVID. This is the first place I've spent 100 nights which I have not lived.
I figure I've never slept anywhere 10,000 nights. That is 27 years. I lived in Warminster 27 years, but took big chucks away from there for things like college and vacations.
One Thousand Nights
Warminster, PA
San Jose, CA
These are the two cities I've spent most of my life. I've lived my childhood and early adulthood in Warminster. I lived most of my adult life in San Jose. I've lived in five different addresses in San Jose. I feel that San Jose is my city. It is the city where I found a place I belong.
One Hundred Night
Fremont, CA
Millersville, PA
Lancaster, PA
Portland, OR
Salinas, CA
These cities are mostly places I've lived. I was close to 1000 days in Fremont, but about half a year short. Millersville is someplace in the 600 night range. Lancaster was one school year, around 200 nights. Portland was 10 months, so in that 200 night range.
Ten Nights
Williamsburg, VA
State College, PA
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Kettering, OH
Richmond, VA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Seattle, WA
Albuquerque NM
Oak Ridge, TN
Scottsdale, AZ
Horsham, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Plumstead, PA
Jonas, PA
Warrington, PA
San Diego, CA
Novato, CA
Del Mar, CA
Marina, CA
Anaheim, CA
Taipei, Taiwan
There are some categories here, cities my aunts and uncles lived in, places I've vacationed multiple times, multiple business trips. There are number of townships on this list that are places I went to summer camp as a boy scout. I'm not sure what will be the next place on this list. I could see Carlsbad be on this list before too long. I think it will still take a while.