Old Media dilemma
I have this old camera, it was the first digital camera I really used very much. It has this old memory card called a Smart Media. I recently got this camera to work again. The problem is I don't have a way to get the photos off the camera. I found a manual for this camera and refers to Windows 98 drivers. According to Wikipedia, it was released in 2003. My current computer will not recognize the camera when I try to connect it. I could buy a card reader from Amazon for $40, but I am not sure it is worth it for a gag of using this really old camera.
I hear that young people have started using old digital point and shoot cameras. I wonder how far back their obsession goes. The other day I saw an old Mavica camera at the thrift store. You would need a old 3.5 floppy drive to use that camera.
I have been working on a project where I've been trying to use all my cameras and lens this year. I tried the project last year, but I didn't complete it. I'm not sure how far I should go to try to complete it this year.