My Flickr Year 2022

I feel like I have written this before, but Flickr has been come my way of journaling the world. If I want to figure out what happened to me on a specific day, I'll go to Flickr. It is a way for me to track the world around me. It is strange, because I know there are things I just don't take photos of. I don't take photos of them for several reasons. I feel that dignity is important. If I cannot give the subject of my photo dignity I know I should not take the picture. This spreads from the guys that hang out at the corner store, people on the street, my co-workers, people in stores. I guess I have a little hard time pointing my camera at people sometimes.
The question I have is, will the things I don't take photos of fade from my memory. Will I forget what the guys who hang out at the corner store look like? That is something I should think about. I didn't take a photo of my mother on my last visit to see her. I still thing that was the right idea.