100 Plus Viewed Photos - Update 2

This is the second update for my 100 views project. As of May 30, I have 1000 photos with 100 views. It took me 16 days to get to 100 photos, 66 days to get up to 365 photos, and 150 days to get to 1000 views. I'd have to do math to figure this out the rate of change and I'm not up for that right now.
I am only tracking photos that I have taken this year. I've dusted off my scanner to work on some old photos and slide. My sisters have been sending out photos they have found cleaning out my mothers house. I've uploaded over 2000 old photos this year.
I have no idea how many photos I've updated this year. To be honest, I have other more productive things to do that figure that out. I currently have 35883 photos tagged 2022, but I know a lot of photos are untagged. It is a small percentage of my photos that will ever get 100 views.
I'm going to stop focusing on trying to get photos 100 views for a while. I'm going to focus on my photos that have fewer than 10 views. I would love to have no photos from 2022 with less than 10 views. Right now I have about 2000 photos with fewer than 10 views.
Later in the year I see how many photos get 100 views without focusing on pumping them up.