Recent Coaster Riding

In February we took a trip to Knott's Berry Farms and Disneyland. I did a couple of things I really like on this trip.
Rode a new roller coaster most people like - I got a chance ride Sierra Sidewinder on this trip. I've heard of plenty good reviews of this coaster. I really enjoyed it. Riding it with my son and one other person was really cool. We got a lot of good spin on this ride because of the weight distribution.
Rode a bad coaster in the best situation - I had a night ride on Coast Rider. Coast Rider is a pretty bad coaster. The only good thing about that ride was seeing the lights from the roller coaster. I am happy I could made a good ride out of coaster everyone told me to skip.
Instructed my son to a coaster he loved - One of the top things on my agenda was to take Scooter on The Matterhorn. Last time we were there he was just a little too short. This time he was more than tall enough for the Matterhorn. He loved every bit of it, especially the Yeti monsters along the track. He pointed out everyone of them. He loved it so much, he even wanted to ride it a second time at night.
Remembered a roller coaster ride I loved - Riding the Matterhorn back in 2017 is what got me interested in riding roller coasters. Riding the Matterhorn again reminded me of that ride. It is such a fun roller coaster. Kate and Kiana both commented on how rough the roller coaster is, but to me it fits the theme of the Matterhorn. This coaster always puts a smile on my face.
Rode a friend's favorite coaster with them - Kiana's favorite Roller Coaster is Space Mountain. Riding in the dark is exciting and it is a very smooth ride. It is great to share someone else's excitement.
Rode a coaster with one great element - Goofy's Flight School has one great element. The drop is really great and breath taking when you don't expect it. The problem is that element is also the only good element on that coaster. Scooter loved that drop, it made him laugh and giggle every time. It was cool to see him fall in love with that element. Because the coaster re-opened after rain, there was no one on it. We got to walk onto the coaster four times in a row. That was also fun.
