Flickr Tag: San Jose

San Jose is a tricky Flickr Tag for me. I have over 65,000 but I have no idea if that is an over count or an under count of photos. I have not always used the same rules for this tag over time. I am not sure how I want to use it. If I tag every photo taken in San Jose this tag will not be very useful for me. Even outdoor photo I take in San Jose would make this tag less useful. I take so many pictures while biking, there are lots of meaningless photos that would have this tag.
I want my San Jose photos to mean something. San Jose has been my home for over 20 years. It has a special place in my heart, like all the places I've lived. It is a large place with so many different aspects to it. Even after 20 years, I'm always learning more about this city and learning there is so much I'll never know.

If I pick the best photos to have this tag, I'll miss so much. I'll miss photos I don't realize are important. I would miss the parts of San Jose I live in everyday.
