I will miss my sweet ebike

On the first day of my new bike year, I looked at my odometer and wondered if I could get my bike to 5000 miles in one years time. I wondered how my frame and battery would hold up over that time. I wondered what kind ware my bike would hold up to. I wondered if I could find the time to ride my ebike over that time. I was thinking about writing a blog post about what I learned about ebiking over the last few years.
I don't need to worry about any of that now, because my ebike, the Trek Lift + was stolen on October 1, from Target. I rode to shopping center four miles from my house, not the closest to our house. I stopped and got some cat food first. After Petsmart I went to Target to pick up a few meaningless things. I came out of Target to find out my bike was missing. I talked to the Security Lead at Target and he saw my bike being taken on video. Called the police and they told me to make a report online. I took a Bay Wheels bike from Target to my neighborhood and walked home. I got home and fined an online police report. Called my insurance agent to file claim. After that I got online and looked what ebikes are currently being sold.
I am not sure how long I'll be without an ebike. I still have a 22 year old Trek 820 in my garage. I rode it today and realized how different riding an ebike is compared to my old trek. I hope to be able to keep riding until I get a new ebike. I think I'll still get a new ebike.
