My Bike Year Summary

I bought my ebike in October 8, 2017. That makes my bike year, like a fiscal year, starts October 1st every year. After two years, I wanted to spend more time on my bike. I think this focus really paid off for me. Or it paid off the best it could do when we have been sheltering in place for half of my bike year.
Results for 2019-2020
Total Miles on the Bike 2875 (Note: This passes one mile per dollar spent to purchase my ebike.)
Miles in the year 1661
Time on the bike 120 Hours
Average Speed 13.5
High Speed 27.2
Got a Bike Trailer for Scooter to ride
Rode to a part of San Jose I've never ridden before
Rode a single ride that spent my battery
Rode 25 days in a month
Goals for next year
1200 miles
100 hours on the bike
Ride my non-ebike more for non-commute/non-shopping rides.
I want to journal my bike rides without using Strava
Track how many times I charge my battery.
If I get back to the office, I want to ride my bike to the office more than I drive.
I have no idea Scooter's school schedule will impact how I can ride to work. There is a chance he will get back to school before I'll get back to the office, and maybe it will be the other way around. This could get in the way of me getting on my bike.
