Reaching my biking goal
I did it, I achieved my goal of riding my ebike 1440 miles. I did it with two months left to go. In October 2019 I hit the second anniversary of owning my ebike. I had been doing an okay job commuting to work on my bike, but I only traveled 1200 miles on my ebike. I set a goal of commuting 1000 miles in 2018, but I got a new job in 2018 and that derailed my quest.
The reason I set this goal was because it would represent 100 days of commuting via my bike. Twice a week is pretty good when I work from home twice a week. I set three levels of goals. My first goal was 1000 miles. It was a nice round number and more than I have rode in any of the other two years I rode my bike. The second level goal was 1200 miles, that would be double the number of miles I had on my bike.
I did well in October and November. December I used up the cushion I built up in the first too months because of time off for Christmas. I built up a big lead in January riding my bike almost every day. The weather was rough in February and I started to be worried about coronaviris. Of course shelter in place started in March and I was no longer going to the office.
I had to ride about 600 miles since the start of shelter in place to make my goal. For the most part I tired to ride 10 miles before starting work. I took a couple of long rides to eat up some 30 mile chunks.
I find riding my bike is one of the few things I can do to really swing my mood. If I'm not in a good mood getting on the bike with motion and fresh air can really reset things. With all of our tools missing because of the pandemic, this seems to be the best one still in my toolbox.
I think my goal for 2021 will be 1200 miles. I am going to bring it down because I wan to ride my old Trek 820 more often for exercise rides. I hope to ride to work on my ebike, but who knows how many chances I'll have to do that before October 2021