Figuring Out my Workout

A couple of years ago I bought a Nordictrack elliptical 12.7. I've been been using it about five days a week lately. Recently I've been trying to figure out the best way to use it. I feel there must be a way to get the best workout out of it. I am not sure if I should try to get as many steps as my fitbit can record? Should I keep my heart rate high for as much of the workout as I can? should I try to burn as many calories as I can according to my fitbit?
I can set the resistance and the incline of the steps. There are also a large number of reset workouts. I've tried a couple different workout ideas. I change them up when I get board. I just don't know what would actually get the best workout for my time.
My current workout is getting as many steps as I can for 20 minutes while listening to music. I start with a log ramp setting and low resistance, moving them up one notch with each song. When my legs start to get tired and I cannot keep a good pace, I switch to high ramp setting, high resistance, and pump hard at that slower pace. Every minute or so I reduce the ramp setting or resistance.
I am not sure if this is the right way to build up my work out capacity or not. I want to be able to work out longer and harder. I want to use my 40 minutes or so more effectively. I want to be able to keep up a good pace for a longer time. I need to track my actions better to figure out all these things.