45 Photos - Canon Powershot SX720 HS

45 Photos - Canon Powershot SX720 HS

This camera is currently my daily point and shoot camera.  I usually have this camera on me. 


My other point and shoot broke a month before the Disney trip.  The camera was under warranty, but the warranty work would not get done before the trip.  In that case I had to buy a new camera.

Purple Flowers

I really like the micro setting on the SX720 HS.  It takes better close up pictures.

Flea Market Snack Bar

I am a fan of having a point and shoot camera.  I can get photos that I cannot get with my cell phone.  I like having an optical zoom.

Red Cabbage

A friend said DSLRS are for photos you know you are going to take, point and shoots are for photos you just come upon.  He the idea of why I carry a point and shoot everyday.

July 10: Repainted Sign

I am planning on using point and shoot cameras for a while. 

British Leland


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