I should have gone to Disneyland when I was single.

It took me 18 years of living to California to take my first for Disneyland. After visiting there for the first time, I should have gone to Disneyland years ago. I should have got at least the year I got my first digital SLR camera. I should have gone on my own to take pictures.

I guess I thought it would have been strange to go to Disneyland alone. There was something in me that thought it would have been lonely. I also thought people would have noticed me alone. I even had a free one day ticket I let expire.

I took more than 1000 photos over five days with Kate and Aiden. If I was there alone, I could have taken over 10,000 photos. If I didn't need to pay attention to someone else, I could have found so many picture. I think I could have gone very deep on some subjects. It really got my creative juices.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to pay attention to Kate and Aiden. I enjoyed going to the park with them. I just should not have waiting this long to do it. My advice to any single photographer out there, go to Disney. You will have a great time and no one will look funny. I think many photographers will find great shots.

I am not sure I'll ever go to Disneyland alone now, but maybe next time I'll sneak away for a little solo photo stroll.
