Road trip notes May 28

Packing the car went well, we fit everything
The dogs know the meaning of luggage being packed into the car.
101 South was a more pleasant drive that 5 South
We made it to King City for lunch, Lawrence's Restaurant
Scooter used a booster seat at the restaurant
Made it all the way to Anaheim
Scooter did pretty well on a long drive. Minimal screaming.
Used the tablet once on Scooter to keep him quite
We listened to music on my old phone and podcasts
We found a motel in Anaheim with out a reservation, the Islander Inn and Suites
We could see the Disney fireworks from our motel room.
Scooter showed his future American Ninja Warriors skill climbing all over the motel room.
It took Scooter forever to be ready for bed
Scooter decided we wanted to sleep on the floor next to the bed, and that was find by us.
