Best Photos 2013
I need to start thinking about my best photos of 2013. I know there is a month to go, but If I wait for the end of the year to think about I will not get anything up until February.
While I think about my photos all the time, I do not know think about which of my photos are the best. I think I think of the bad photos more. I think about the shots that I missed. That makes it hard to think about which photos are the best.
Flickr can tell you what the site think is your more "Interesting" photo. I am not sure how this is figured out. One of my photos ended up in Flickr Explore this year. That means the photo was one of the best 250 photos of the day.
I don't think it is my best photo of the year. I sometimes am unsure if other people see the same things in my photos that I see. I would love to get input from other people about what they think is the best. If people let me know what they think is my best photos, I will try to blog about the photos people like.
Now it is the time for me to think about my best photo.