Longest day of the year

Today is the first day of summer, also known as the longest day of the year.  A long time ago I would take the time on the day to sit outside after work and enjoy a beer.  Since we have a patio and lawn chairs, I decided I was going to do this today.  I stopped at Safeway to pick up a beer and dinner tonight.  I got myself a Double Daddy IPA.

DoubleDaddy IPA

I sat outside and listened to a little Songs: Ohia.  There was something perfect about listening to Farewell Transmission as the sun went down. 

Beer and Kindle

Some times you need to just sit and be.  I did not need to go anywhere or do anything.  I just saw, listened to some songs, had some beer and looked at the dusk settle in around the trees.  It was a great feeling.  I lived just in the moment.  I need to do that more than one day a year. 


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