My Wrestlemania Delayed

My Wrestlemaina

I thought I was in good shape this morning when I ordered Wrestlemania for my computer.  Since Comcast does not support Pay-Per-Views on my TiVo Series 3.  My play was to hook up my computer to my TV and watch it that way.  It worked great for the Pre-show.  I did not think I was going to have a problem, until Wrestlemania started.  Right after Chris Christie read his speech, the screen went blank.  I got several messages about how I could not get a stream at this time. 

For two hours I could not get a picture.  I watched people on twitter talk about the show.  Most of my twitter community did not have this problem because they were using cable or watching in a theater or at Wrestlemania.  It reminded me of being a little kid and our family van breaking down on the way to the Drive-Ins.  I could see the glow over the hill, but I really could not see what I wanted.

About two hours late, the stream started working.  Because the stream started late, I was spoiled on the outcome of all but three matches.  This made the event less interesting.  Even when trying to to be spoiled I knew the outcome.  There was less at stake for me knowing what is going to happen.

I hope that WWE offers something to me for this.  I paid to watch Wrestlemania live, not delayed.  I missed out on a lot of social media interaction because of this.  I am not saying I need a full refund, but there should be some make good for all the Online PPV Purchasers. 

I know they do not have a great refund policy.  This is from the WWE Website:

What is your policy on refunds?
Full refunds can be issued at any time prior to the start of the event. Once the event has begun, no refunds of any type will be issued.
The problem with this is the website went down before any of the wrestlers were even announced.  Yes I was able to watch the whole show, but I was not able to watch it live.  If I wanted to watch it on delay I would have waited for the DVD to come out.  There are a lot better things I could do with $60.

Yes I watched the whole show, and yes I enjoyed it, but this is basic customer service.  You did not deliver what I paid for.  If you want me to pay for anything else, you need to make this right.  In the end you offered a time sensitive service you could not provide. You should make good to your customers and earn a little good will.  Prove wrong on the people on line who say you will not refund a dime.  


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