Considering Vickie Guerrero

From time to time I think about what it means to be part of the audience.   I love the idea of the uncertainty principle, because we look at something we change the outcome.  In wresting the audience impacts the story all the time.  If a story or character does not get the reaction from the audience that character is gone.

Over the past month I have been thinking a lot of Vickie Guerrero.  A few months ago I went to Smackdown a few months ago and she got the biggest negative reaction.  In the podcasts I listen to people do not like how the WWE uses the character.  A few weeks ago there were a couple of good articles about the interaction between the Rock and Vickie Guerrero.

Again last week I went to see Raw live in San Jose.  At Raw Vickie Guerrero got the biggest negative reaction again.  As soon as her music hits she gets lot of boos.  It is clear she strikes a nerve with the WWE fans.  There is something about her that WWE fans really don't like about her.

This dislike is the reason that John Cena and the Rock, with the backing of the creative team, insult Vickie without consequence.  They shame her, insult her, degrade her all with the backing of the fans.  The crowds cheer an wrestlers who call Vickie hideous names.

I wonder what Vickie Guerrero thinks of her character.  Once on MLW Radio Konnan said that Vickie loved what she was doing.  (Sorry I do not have a footnote for the episode.)  I wonder if she also loves the way her character gets treated.  I wonder if it is hard because she is a person and a character with the same name.

I am not sure the last time that Vickie Guerrero really acted like a heel.  She has done something bad.  She tried to keep Rock out of the building that night I was at Raw, but that was the week after the Rock insulted her at the Rock concert. 

That night in San Jose I wondered if we the audience were actually the Heels in this story.  We are who encourage these stories.  We are the people who boo Vickie and Cheer the Rock.  WWE Creative are trying to appease us by these stories.  Is it our fault?  I know that the WWE has some responsibility here.  I think the audience has something to be accountable for.  Even if WWE Creative does not intent for us to be the heels, but we end up being the heels in this story. 


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