I wonder if she became a nun
I dated this girl one semester in college. It did not go anywhere. She went to a catholic girls college. She was planning to "take the walk across to road" to the convent after graduation. I heard later that she dated me because her adviser assigned her to. This is not unheard of when it comes to people who are going into the convent or monastery. I do not remember her name, I am not in touch with anyone who knew her and I have no way to answer this question.
I found these photos when I was scanning a bunch of stuff. There seem to be lots of people who I have no contact with. People I am not sure what happened to. If I cannot remember their name, I have no way to find them.
I wonder if this will change in the future. If I was in college now, I would have a facebook connection with the girl who was going to become a nun. I would have tagged photos of her. I would be able to remember her name. I wonder how that will effect people turning 40 in 2032.