Travel: Driving to Seattle
On the way to Seattle we listed to two Audio Books, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and Fight Club. We got the Audio Books from the library. What I learned is that I like listening to audio books on road trips. I also learned that Audio Books from the Library can be fustrating. They were very scratched and at times we had to skip sections. I might have to look into an audio book service for the future.
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris was very good. For some reason I keep away from David Sedaris. I have heard him a lot on This American Life. The book was both funnier and more endearing then I expected. I think listening to a whole bunch of his stories at once gives them a better context. I want to get his other books now. I think is books are very good as Audio Books because they feel like he is telling you the story.
I was happy to hear the people who produced the Audio Book of Fight Club get the irony of talking about Fight Club. We did not get all the way this audio book because of the scratches. It has been more than 10 years since I read Fight Club. I had forgotten how good it is. I should pick it up again. I always thought that Fight Club is a great story about how people might become anarchists.
We spent the night in Yreka. It gave me a chance to take a photo of a statue that I have always passed before.
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris was very good. For some reason I keep away from David Sedaris. I have heard him a lot on This American Life. The book was both funnier and more endearing then I expected. I think listening to a whole bunch of his stories at once gives them a better context. I want to get his other books now. I think is books are very good as Audio Books because they feel like he is telling you the story.
I was happy to hear the people who produced the Audio Book of Fight Club get the irony of talking about Fight Club. We did not get all the way this audio book because of the scratches. It has been more than 10 years since I read Fight Club. I had forgotten how good it is. I should pick it up again. I always thought that Fight Club is a great story about how people might become anarchists.
We spent the night in Yreka. It gave me a chance to take a photo of a statue that I have always passed before.