1000 photo of me on flickr


There are more then one thousand photos of me on flickr, but there are currently 1000 photos of me tagged on flickr. Of these 1000 photos 535 are in my photo stream. That means other people take a lot of pictures of me too.

Since Flickr added the People in Photos feature back in October, I have been obsessed with it. It has been my main flickr obsession. You can see how many people I have been tagging in my photostream. So you don't have to count it is 113 people in 2206 photos. I don't know how many photos that is, but I can live with not knowing.

I am going through all my photos to make sure they are tagged. You can get out the tags Needsflickrpeople to add people, if you think it is fun. This is the tag I added to every photo in my photostream to make sure I review them all. There are still 9800 photos for me to go through here. You can also check out Unknownperson if you want to help me identify people I don't know.

If you have a flickr account and I don't know it, I would label you as nonflickrperson. You can always add yourself.

I am hoping to have all my photos with people added to them by the end of the year.


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