The McCain-Palin Ticket Part 4: The Media
Photo by buddhakiwi
There is part of me that things that John McCain picking Sarah Palin is a comment about how the media covers the election. In the four days since she was selected I have hard the media say a lot of things about Sarah Palin. I have not heard anything about the job she is doing as governor. I have not heard what kind of bills she is signed into law. I have not heard and analysis about which campaign promises she kept. I have not heard anything about how the state agencies are running under her administration.
So far from the media I have got four stories over and over again, Her Bio, The scandal with the Public Safety Commissioner, her daughter is pregnant, and she lacks experence. The problem with the 24 hour media culture is that they end up covering less and not more. CNN only runs about 22 minutes worth of stories all day long. MSNBC does a little bit better with about 42 minutes of stories all day long. it is still not much.
Since Barack Obama picked Joe Biden I have not seen one story on the television news looking at his record in the Senate. I get high level overviews about who is his and what he stands for. For this reason alone I can see what McCain picked Sarah Palin. The media is not going to check what she really did as governor McCain gets to write that story. People can say she is inexperienced, but they do not have the job experence information to back it up. I think that the media is a big reason John McCain picked Sarah Palin.