Killing the Killer App

I have been thinking about Yahoo music. I know that Yahoo has been trying to get its house in order. They are trying to focus there efforts on the parts of the business that works for them. I have heard that Yahoo music is one of the parts of the business that is on the cutting block.

My Girlfriend has Yahoo Music Unlimited and she really likes it. It is one of those music subscription services. She pays a monthly fee and can get to any song she likes. It is an interesting service. I think more people would like it if they tried it.

I decided to buy her a Sansdisk sansa connect MP3 player. I know some of the guys who worked on this thing. For someone who uses Yahoo Music Unlimited it seems like the best choice for an MP3 player. The Sandisk Sansa Connect player has a Wifi Connection. You can download music from the Yahoo Music Service to this player. You can download songs from your playlists, songs from the service or songs that are recommended from your ratings of songs.

The yahoo music service gives you access to just about any song you could want. The Sandisk sansa connect gives you access to this music from anywhere with a wifi connection. Wow, this is finally an MP3 player that gives the iPod a run for its money. This seems like the killer app for this service.

The problem is that Yahoo makes it very hard to sign up for this service. My girlfriend could not upgrade from her current subscription to get access to this. She had to start a new subscription. It just feels very strange. It is like Yahoo does not want to promote this. They have a killer app, but they do not know what to do with it. I wonder if this mp3 player is going to get lost in the shuffle. It is a shame because I would like to see more MP3 players with this kind of feature.


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