SV Blogger Meetup: camera
Originally uploaded by earthdog. I know I am kind of late putting up the notes from the last blogger meetup. I am tired of this whole real-time blogging thing. I want things to pass over me so I can look back at them and figure them out. I am tried of the 24 hour blog cycle. I need some time to be lazy.
Roll Call: Elkit, Silvia, Jon, Charlie, David, Hank, Antwon, Ealasaid, Kevin
Elkit was reading Dick For A Day when I got there. She had not picked out her day yet.
I told Silvia that she is now my third all time viewed photo in Photo on Flickr
Elkit Told me about bootiesSF. She liked the top 10 mashups.
Charlie is new to the group, He calls his style is Liberal Progressive Community Activism.
Hank brought his Nikon D200, It is way too nice.
My new band 'the combat unicycles'
We tried to tell Charlie that all good bloggers have digital cameras Hank's new Nikon D200 is hot. His lens is much larger than mine.
Tax day is come and gone, but we are still talking about taxes.
Lots of photos were shot. Check them out on Flickr
Pirates have speak like a cubical employee day. David started his new company.
Kevin's secret goal is to subvert all of his other goals.Tell me if I missed anything