Bad News For Barry
It is a bad time for Barry Bonds. He has yet to hit a home run this season. Some people predicted that he would pass Babe Ruth already. He is still 6 behind on the all-time home run chart. On ESPN News earlier today that his elbow might be the problem causing his .167 batting average this season.
On top of that he is being investigated by federal prosecutors. I am not sure if this is causing him a problem on the field. Different players react different ways with off the field issues. Some of issues cause people to focus even more. I know that things are starting to pile up for him.
From the New York Times Bonds's Potential Problems Go Beyond Steroids:
I have such a hard time feeling sorry for Barry Bonds. Reading all these stories I feel that thought he could get away with whatever he wanted. If you lie to a federal grand jury when you have limited immunity, you get what you deserve.
No matter what happens Barry will be tainted for the rest of his life. His stats will be in doubt. Some people will always see him as a cheater. I wonder if this is something that he culture of sports likes. It gives people something to debate at the sports bar.
In the end I think it is tragic for baseball and Barry. Maybe Barry Bonds is a tragic hero of a Greek drama. All the elements are there. In the end his hubris might be his undoing.
On top of that he is being investigated by federal prosecutors. I am not sure if this is causing him a problem on the field. Different players react different ways with off the field issues. Some of issues cause people to focus even more. I know that things are starting to pile up for him.
From the New York Times Bonds's Potential Problems Go Beyond Steroids:
"It was not immediately clear whether the January 2006 testimony was before the same grand jury now cited in the CNN story. But in any case, Bell has stated that she saw Bonds inject himself with steroids and apply creams that she knew to be steroid-related. Bell has also stated that Bonds gave her $80,000 in cash to buy a house and that he gave her specific instructions to deposit the money in amounts of less than $10,000.
Federal law requires banks to report transactions of $10,000 or more, and the question is whether Bell's financial testimony, perhaps conveyed to one or more grand juries, could also expose Bonds to charges of tax evasion, money laundering and evasion of federal banking laws."
I have such a hard time feeling sorry for Barry Bonds. Reading all these stories I feel that thought he could get away with whatever he wanted. If you lie to a federal grand jury when you have limited immunity, you get what you deserve.
No matter what happens Barry will be tainted for the rest of his life. His stats will be in doubt. Some people will always see him as a cheater. I wonder if this is something that he culture of sports likes. It gives people something to debate at the sports bar.
In the end I think it is tragic for baseball and Barry. Maybe Barry Bonds is a tragic hero of a Greek drama. All the elements are there. In the end his hubris might be his undoing.