Lost bag Photos - a photoset on Flickr

The Found Bag
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

A few weeks ago I left my bag in a taxi cab. I spent the next couple of days calling all of the cab companies looking for my bag. I was hoping on of them found it. After a week of it not being found I gave up hope that it would ever be found. I knew that I had to give up hope. It would be the only way I could stop thinking about my lost bag.

The Contents
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

On Tuesday I got a call from the San Francisco Police Department Taxi Detail. My bag was found and turned into them. They said that it looked like everything was still in the bag. It was only two weeks after the bag was lost. I should have not been surprised that the bag was turned in, but I was.

Slacker Green Lantern
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

I felt very happy when I heard my bag had been found. I tried to not get too happy because I was worried about a let down. I was worry that the only thing missing here my photos. I was very happy when I got my bag on Wednesday and everything was inside it.

Some people might say that I gave up hope on my bag too quickly. Two weeks is no time at all for something like this to play out. I know I had to give up hope that my bag would be found. Now that it has been found it almost feels like a Zen-thing. I could only find what I was looking for once I stopped looking for it. I usually do not agree with this type of idea, but it seemed to work this time.

Kevin Smith
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

I made a Flickr photo set for the pictures that were on the card, Lost bag Photos. Not all the photos are good enough to post. Enough of them are good enough to make a set. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures.


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