100 Favorite Things

This is my latest 100 Favorite Things list. The idea is to make a list of your 100 favorite things at the time you make the list. You can see how the lists change from 2002 and 2005. This year I did it to be part off a photo project on Flickr. I hope you enjoy my list.

My Dreamgirl, Sad Salvation, The South Bay Bloggers, coffee, digital photography, Flickr, family, coffee shops, writing, my iBook, San Jose, cities, Night Photography, graphic novels, MP3, TiVo (The Company), kissing, Music, e-mail, CD Mixes, Laughing, friends, the ocean, the little things, my parents, stories, The small of her back, my iPod, music, parties, walking, The San Jose Library, travel, signs, the softness of her skin, internet culture, my warm bed, NaNoWriMo, newspapers, days off, Friends, write-ins, blogs, sleep, self portraits, Conversation, Driving, red wine, Cover songs, graffiti, public art, tall buildings, radio, the way she looks at me, My Apartment, Chocolate, hotels, my neighborhood, well deserved praise, dreams, pictograms, cartoons, Pineapple, road trips, finding things, funny signs, statues, other people's tattoos, baseball, my co-workers, sharing, water, DJs, postcards, beauty, when she whispers in my ear, comic strips, Books, corn on the cob, geeking out about music, wi-fi, thinking, history, what money can buy me, Stick Figures in Peril, Showers, baked potatoes, Art Cars, Storytellers, surprise, Singing along in the car, ComiCon, Beer with Friends, baseball stadiums, highways, stencils, conversation, lyrics, icons, lists


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