100 Favorite Things Photo Project

January 7: San Jose Night
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

A long time ago Jeremy came up with the idea of the 100 favorite things list. He encouraged everyone he knew to make a list. The first year he even put out a zine with counting up all the entries. It was cool to see what different people put on their lists.

One of the ideas was to make a new list from time to time. Here are my 100 Favorite things lists from 2002 and 2005. It is cool to see how things change over time. I am not always going to think the same are important. New things happen and my life changes. I see the list as a snap shot. These are my 100 favorite things the moment I publish the list.

This year Cathy has decided to put a new twist on the 100 Favorite things list. She is starting a photo project with 100 favorite things list. She is asking people to make new lists this year and photograph all 100 items. She wants to see how people capture the things on their list.

I think this is a great idea. I know that this is a result everyone using flickr. It is the perfect place to organize a project like this kind of project. The people taking part in this would have been shot photos and posting them to flickr anyway. Someone might as well give us a goal.

If any of my friends are interested in this project let me know. I well tell Cathy and she will invite you. Now I have to get cracking and make a new 100 Favorite Things List.


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