Travel-blogue Day 5 Part 2
50th Anniversary #3
Originally uploaded by earthdog.
The Stories
Yesterday we got to here my father, Uncle Dorn, and Aunt Anne talk about growing up in the Panama Canal Zone. My grandfather worked on the construction of the Panama Canal. My father and his siblings grew up down there. They all tell great stories of growing up. We all love these stories. I come from a family of storytellers. I think we all learned listing to stories about the Panama Canal.
This time we got to hear stories about their dog Pretzel. He saved dad from snakes, went to school with Aunt Ann, and sung in the choir with Uncle Dorn. I have to guess he was some kind of super dog.
The best story was about Pretzel walking thought the jungle protecting my dad from snakes. Whenever Pretzel would see a snake he would bark at it. One day a snake bit him. Dad took the Pretzel to the vet. The vet gave pretzel the anti venom. For the next week Pretzel walked on three legs.
At the end of the week Uncle Dorn took Pretzel back to the Vet. The vet gave Pretzel a shot in the good leg. Now he walked on three legs again, but Pretzel was using the leg that was bitten by the snake. Every week Uncle Dorn would have to take Pretzel back to the vet to get another shot so Pretzel would use the other leg. This kept up for about six weeks before Pretzel would walk on four legs again.
I know we love these stories because they connect us with our parents. I do not have stories about growing up that are anywhere near this good. I can only aspire to be as good of a storyteller as my Dad.