Pictures of Sad People Galore
Originally uploaded by earthdog.
finally have more pictures of sad people for my blog. Google has been pointing people to my site for pictures of sad people for years now. Finally those people will be able to find what they are looking for. There are finally sad people showing their face on Sad Salvation.
I would like to thank my models for willing to have their pictures taken. Elkit, Ealasiad, Silvia, and Antwon were willing to be sad for me.
Flickr is a great place to find pictures of sad people. There is the earthdog Sad People set. You can look at photos with 'sad' as a tag. There is even a group called SadnesS. That is more sad pictures then you can shake a stick at. I hope all those people who are googling pictures of sad people are getting their what they want now.
I am still willing to post pictures of sad people that are sent to me. I think it is important to keep the sad going here at Sad Salvation.