Travelblogue: World of Lines

Getting In to Comic Con
Originally uploaded by earthdog.

Comic Con is all about lines and waiting. You wait to register, get in, get swag, and get into panels. It is hard to know when the lines actually start to move. Sometimes the line just compresses when you expect people to move. More then once someone made a Solent Green joke. You are always waiting to find out you are in the wrong line.

Last night I went to preview night. I spent about two hours going from booth to booth collecting swag. Erica and Josh really enjoy running to their favorite booths getting free stuff. The Age of Conan blow up sword is kind of cool. The Sci-Fi channels mints are just okay.

I spent the second two hours of preview night hanging out at the Amelia Rules booth. It was good to see Jim. I have not seen him since last July. We talked about his comic book, other comic books, and everything else. I like that we pick up our relationship like nothing has changed.


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