Crossing the Bridge

Golden Gate
Originally uploaded by earthdog.
On Saturday I took a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. Walking across the bridge is something that has been on my tourist todo list for some time now. Most of the time by the time I get to the bridge I have already been walking around San Francisco for a few hours. By that time I am too tried to cross the bridge. Last Saturday I decided it would be the first thing I wanted to do.

I also wanted to do this now because I was scared of waiting. People keep on talking about putting suicide barriers up on the bridge. I know that would disturb the aesthetic of the bridge. I wanted to take the walk before this happened.

Going across the Golden Gate Bridge is a nice walk. The view is great. It was windy, but that never bothers me. There I also enjoyed watching all the other tourists taking pictures of themself on the bridge.

There were lots of people and cars around me, but I felt like this was a solitary experence. Since I was alone it was easy for me to think about the things in my life. I felt like there was nothing else around to distract me. If I lived in San Francisco I know I would walk across the bridge anytime I had to think about something.

The bridge is still an amazing feet of engineering. I loved being out in the middle of the span imagining what it was like to build the bridge. Sometimes it amazes me that we can build stuff like this at all.

If you have not walked across the Golden Gate Bridge you should. What is the point of living in the bay area if we do not take the time to do things like walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.


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