NaNoWriMo Problem II
I am now worried that I cannot do justice to the title I have come up with. Right now my novel is going to be Prayers to St. Oprah. I do not have much more then a title. It is the story of an Oprah fan who things all of her problems will be solved if Oprah answers one of her letters. The problem is the close I get to this story the harder it gets to write. I am not sure I can do a good job. I am worried that I will end up making fun of the characters. I hate writers who make fun of their characters.
Everytime someone hears this title they tell me they like the idea. At first it was really encourging. I was drawn to it because everyone likes the title. Now it is starting to get scary. When people say, "that would make a very good book," I hear "any idiot could turn that into a good story."
One of the reasons I like the idea of Prayers to St. Oprah is because I think if you just put it in a book story, people would buy it. Part of me sees the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that looks like Oprah.
Everytime someone hears this title they tell me they like the idea. At first it was really encourging. I was drawn to it because everyone likes the title. Now it is starting to get scary. When people say, "that would make a very good book," I hear "any idiot could turn that into a good story."
One of the reasons I like the idea of Prayers to St. Oprah is because I think if you just put it in a book story, people would buy it. Part of me sees the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that looks like Oprah.