Tis the Season
As of right now, I my apartment is in 24/7 Christmas Music mode. If you come to my apartment between now and Christmas Music. I have done this in the past, so I understand the right way to do it. Here are my Christmas Music treat so it is not torture.
Quantity Matters - I have about 13 hours of Christmas music on iTunes. I only hear each song once or twice a day.
Variety Matters - I have about 30% Traditional, 30% Jazz, 30% Rock, and 10% Novelity. It keeps things fresh.
Time Matters - Never start right after Thanksgiving. I wait for a week before Christmas before I start.
I will admit that the worst song I have is Frosty The Snowman by the Brady Bunch. The song is just Susan Olsen trying to sound cute.
As of right now, I my apartment is in 24/7 Christmas Music mode. If you come to my apartment between now and Christmas Music. I have done this in the past, so I understand the right way to do it. Here are my Christmas Music treat so it is not torture.
I will admit that the worst song I have is Frosty The Snowman by the Brady Bunch. The song is just Susan Olsen trying to sound cute.