Still the Boss

I went to see Bruce Springsteen last Saturday. He was playing at Pac-Bell Park in San Francisco. This is the first chance I have seen to go to a Springsteen show. On the other tours there would always be something that would keep me from seeing him. This time I have the money and the time to go see the show.

The show was a little expensive. It cost $100 a ticket after all the fees and shipping. On top of that parking was $20 a car. The food and beer was the same price as a Giants game. I am happy that concert shirts do not in my size, that would have been more money I would have spent. I did buy a set of 2003 Tour Pint Glasses. I like it because it is an odd concert souvenir.

I predicted that at 31 years old I would still be younger then the average age of the concert goer. I was correct. I would say the average age was somewhere between 40-45. I saw more then a couple of families at the show, Parents in the 40's and kids in there teens. I wonder what is it like to share musical tastes with your parents. I kept on thinking that the crowded was older, whiter, and more middle class then the average baseball crowded. I did not think that was possible.

He came out to an old recording of take me out to the ballpark. I was a little surprised by the setlist. He played a lot from Darkness on the Edge of Town. For a lot time this has been my favorite Springsteen album. It was the only one I kept when I sold off most my CD collection in 1996. They also played a lot of songs from Born in the USA. These two albums make a lot of sense. They both have a lot of parts for Clarence Clemons to play sax on.

The sound at the show was great. Of all the over 50 rockers I have seen live, Bruce was the best of any of them. He can still pick it and he can still sing. I could make out his songs most of the time which is much more then I could say for Dylan. He still puts on a good show. As the show when on, he became more of a ham on stage. You could tell he was really getting into it and enjoying the fans reactions.

The show went almost a full three hours. It ended it at close to midnight. I was pretty dead on Sunday because of the show. There were a lot of songs at the show that gave me goose bumps. There is something about that level of emotion that drains me. If you are a Springsteen fan, you should go to see him life. Even if you are not a fan of the new stuff, it is still a show worth seeing.


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