Travel notes 5/2/03

Drove from about 100 miles north of LA to about 100 miles south of LA.

Got to San Diego just in time to have lunch with Steve and Gerry.

Gerry and I could not convince Steve to go to the Phillies game with us. He kept on saying it was going to rain.

The Phillies lost the game in the 10th. It is the first time I have seen the home team win while I have been on a baseball road trip. I found out after the tame that the Phillies have not won on a Friday night all season.

Travel Notes 5/3/03

La came to lunch with Steve, Gerry, and me. It was good to have a chance to see her.

For some reason I underestimated the distance between San Diego and Tucson. It is a good four hundred miles. When I was planning the trip I thought it was two hundred miles. I made drive in six hours on the nose. That means I was flying for much of the trip.

It was raining before I left Gerry’s house. It was coming down lightly in Del Mar. It was kind of on and off as I was driving through San Diego on my wait to Interstate 8. Once I got onto I-8 it started to rain pretty hard. At one point driving through the hills,

Travel Notes 5/4/03

Today is the first day where I have not had to drive anywhere. When I say anywhere, I mean to another city.

Travel Notes 5/5/03

Vacation Notes 5/12/03

This morning Alice and I got up early to take the Tour at Mrs. Grossman’s Paper and Stick company. Their factory and world headquarters is in Petaluma, about a hundred miles north of where I live. Alice, like my other sisters Kathy and Dot is a big scrapbooker. Mrs. Grossman’s stickers seem to be the premium sticker. My sisters were all excited when they found out that the tour was available.

Mrs Grossman

Mission Statement

Vacation Notes 5/13/03

I finally had my do nothing day of this vacation. I did not leave my apartment at all today. The only thing I accomplished was to do a little laundry.

Talking to Tara today we talked about anxieties. I told her that my greatest anxiety is that I have been alone for someone long I am not sure I know how to let someone get close. She said that she is also afraid of that. She said that if she is going to be with me, she has to really be with me. I understand both sides of this issue. I told her that she has to tell me if she thinks this is happening.

Vacation Notes 5/14/03

Yesterday Tara told me that she would like me to call her everyday. I am not sure I have something to say for myself everyday. I am not sure I will be interesting on the phone. I am not sure what those conversations will be like. It has been a long time since I have tried to be that close to anyone.

Got a Haircut
Cleaned out my car
Bought Pants and A Shirt


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