I love having comment boxes on weblog. The feedback is great. I think it improves my writing and Sad Salvation. I like knowing that people are out there reading my writing. It helps me know it is more then just yelling at the wind.
So far this entry with the picture below and this entry about the picture have received the most comments. Because the way the comment boxes work, it is hard to find the comments. I thought the comments below deserved.

Date/Time: July 10 2002, 05:46 pm
Poster: Bonni
I feel that I am violating her just by looking at her picture. Just her eyes are so expressive.
Date/Time: Jan 12 2003, 06:14 pm
Poster: Jannah
there are two wrongs here.
1. This muslim woman( who fully covers herself) puts her picture up for everyone's eyes to see. It is attracting men to her eyes. As a Muslim she cannot do this....
2. Because of her picture Rich she's got you thinking about her, making you think about whats underneath..etc. This is almost as worse as her taking her hijab and niqaab off. But I cannot judge this woman. Maybe she posted her pic wth different intentions.
When a woman covers herself she is respected, and the eyes of men are lowered out of respect.
Date/Time: Jan 19 2003, 05:23 am
Poster: Rich
Thank you for you comment on my web page. I think you added something to the ideas there. I would like to ask you a question.
You Wrote:
2. Because of her picture Rich she's got you thinking about her, making you think about whats underneath..etc. This is almost as worse as her taking her hijab and niqaab off. But I cannot judge this woman. Maybe she posted her pic with different intentions.
It did not get to think of her in a sexual way. I was think thinking about her body. I was thinking about how she views the world and what kind of person she is. Is that also wrong? I have heard that one of the reason Muslim women cover themselves is so they can be thought of as a person and not as a sexual object. Am I misunderstanding this?
I wanted to send this as an e-mail, but it got bounced back to me.
Date/Time: Apr 02 2003, 11:00 am
Poster: Umm Fathimah
I Rich,
Like you I have a web site, but mine is on the reason why We [Muslim women] dress the way we do. I have pics of fully veiled women, ONLY for the sole purpose to show people the different styles of dress, and what is in acordance with the Islamic Law [Sahri'ah]. But just to have a pic of a veiled woman on a site for no reason doesn't sit right with me. But this is my own opinion.
Umm Fayhimah
Date/Time: Apr 20 2003, 06:38 am
Poster: Um-Hussayn
I want to start by thanking you for stopping and thinking about the fact that you were USING her. I know most people don't think of the image of a person as USING them, but in a way, that is what is going on.
I have two point of view, which counter each other, in some ways.
1- any image, male or female, covered or uncovered is NOT public property. It is that persons. We steal something from them when we use them without permission, for it is their "copyright" of their face/body.
2- Images of individual styles of dress help explain and educate others. As the saying goes, Picture is worth a thousand words.
So how do we use, but not abuse? That is the real question. So, I give you permission to use my images of my veiled face (with eyes exposed) or covered from my webpage, ok Rich?
Date/Time: May 10 2003, 08:49 pm
Poster: Jannah
It did not get to think of her in a sexual way. I was think thinking about her body. I was thinking about how she views the world and what kind of person she is. Is that also wrong? I have heard that one of the reason Muslim women cover themselves is so they can be thought of as a person and not as a sexual object. Am I misunderstanding this?
Amongst the soul reasons a woman wears the covering, is to be respected and honoured of her right as a person who has the potential of any other woman. But that beautiful gem is hidden to the eyes of the world and with that comes great respect. I have to agree with your comment there abt that yes. But I also strongly agree with my fellow Muslim sisters above. By protraying that Muslim woman's picture, you ARE using her as an ad (maybe not intentially) to your website...(for that is how I got here in the first place). I'm curoius to see your viewpoint on that.
When I feel that one of my sisters in Islam, no matter what nationality she is, or even if she has done any wrong to me, is being treated with direspect, I am obligated to stand up for her when she cannot. The rest of what I have to say has been said by my sisters above.
So far this entry with the picture below and this entry about the picture have received the most comments. Because the way the comment boxes work, it is hard to find the comments. I thought the comments below deserved.
Date/Time: July 10 2002, 05:46 pm
Poster: Bonni
I feel that I am violating her just by looking at her picture. Just her eyes are so expressive.
Date/Time: Jan 12 2003, 06:14 pm
Poster: Jannah
there are two wrongs here.
1. This muslim woman( who fully covers herself) puts her picture up for everyone's eyes to see. It is attracting men to her eyes. As a Muslim she cannot do this....
2. Because of her picture Rich she's got you thinking about her, making you think about whats underneath..etc. This is almost as worse as her taking her hijab and niqaab off. But I cannot judge this woman. Maybe she posted her pic wth different intentions.
When a woman covers herself she is respected, and the eyes of men are lowered out of respect.
Date/Time: Jan 19 2003, 05:23 am
Poster: Rich
Thank you for you comment on my web page. I think you added something to the ideas there. I would like to ask you a question.
You Wrote:
2. Because of her picture Rich she's got you thinking about her, making you think about whats underneath..etc. This is almost as worse as her taking her hijab and niqaab off. But I cannot judge this woman. Maybe she posted her pic with different intentions.
It did not get to think of her in a sexual way. I was think thinking about her body. I was thinking about how she views the world and what kind of person she is. Is that also wrong? I have heard that one of the reason Muslim women cover themselves is so they can be thought of as a person and not as a sexual object. Am I misunderstanding this?
I wanted to send this as an e-mail, but it got bounced back to me.
Date/Time: Apr 02 2003, 11:00 am
Poster: Umm Fathimah
I Rich,
Like you I have a web site, but mine is on the reason why We [Muslim women] dress the way we do. I have pics of fully veiled women, ONLY for the sole purpose to show people the different styles of dress, and what is in acordance with the Islamic Law [Sahri'ah]. But just to have a pic of a veiled woman on a site for no reason doesn't sit right with me. But this is my own opinion.
Umm Fayhimah
Date/Time: Apr 20 2003, 06:38 am
Poster: Um-Hussayn
I want to start by thanking you for stopping and thinking about the fact that you were USING her. I know most people don't think of the image of a person as USING them, but in a way, that is what is going on.
I have two point of view, which counter each other, in some ways.
1- any image, male or female, covered or uncovered is NOT public property. It is that persons. We steal something from them when we use them without permission, for it is their "copyright" of their face/body.
2- Images of individual styles of dress help explain and educate others. As the saying goes, Picture is worth a thousand words.
So how do we use, but not abuse? That is the real question. So, I give you permission to use my images of my veiled face (with eyes exposed) or covered from my webpage, ok Rich?
Date/Time: May 10 2003, 08:49 pm
Poster: Jannah
It did not get to think of her in a sexual way. I was think thinking about her body. I was thinking about how she views the world and what kind of person she is. Is that also wrong? I have heard that one of the reason Muslim women cover themselves is so they can be thought of as a person and not as a sexual object. Am I misunderstanding this?
Amongst the soul reasons a woman wears the covering, is to be respected and honoured of her right as a person who has the potential of any other woman. But that beautiful gem is hidden to the eyes of the world and with that comes great respect. I have to agree with your comment there abt that yes. But I also strongly agree with my fellow Muslim sisters above. By protraying that Muslim woman's picture, you ARE using her as an ad (maybe not intentially) to your website...(for that is how I got here in the first place). I'm curoius to see your viewpoint on that.
When I feel that one of my sisters in Islam, no matter what nationality she is, or even if she has done any wrong to me, is being treated with direspect, I am obligated to stand up for her when she cannot. The rest of what I have to say has been said by my sisters above.