Travel-blogue Albuquerque - Home

In the Oakland airport, I saw the oddest thing. There was a woman waiting outside of security with a dozen roses. She had the most unenthused look on her face. I have seen people in airports with flowers before. Most of the time they are happy or anxious. Some times the people look worried or like they are trying to figure out that first moment out in their head.

The woman looked like she was dreading the future. She looked like she would rather be any place in the world but there. She looked like she had a stomich full of rocks. I wanted to stand and stare at her. I wanted to wait behind her and see who she was going to give these flowers to. I knew that I would not have a chance to do this.

I just cannot figure out why she would be there with flowers. Was she waiting for her mother and she also had a level of dread. Was she waiting for a lover she did not really love. Was she doing this for someone else who could not be there? I guess I will never know the answer to this story.


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