Filling Pockets and Filling Spotlights

There are legal ethics, academic ethics, medical ethics, but is there any such things as artistic ethics? Is there a line between selling records and selling out? If radio stations use a band's songs to sell products, is it wrong for a band to use their songs the same way? How have these ideas changed as time has passed? I can tell you that everyone does not have the same ideas about this. Eric Laine, the lead singer on Sellout has some very strong ideas about these things.

FELT is one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. I feel that Sellout is a song that could be a pop hit if it had radio support. With a little help it could be an underground hit. Here Are The Facts You Requested is a local band in the bay area. The album is self-released and being sold over their web site. All of my friends should be listening to this album. It is worth your time and effort to get this CD.

Song: Sellout

Band: Here Are The Facts You Requested

Album: FELT

Best Lyric:

Remember Reagan selling Reagan with "Born in the USA"?

Now Pete Townshend's selling Nissans with "Won't Get Fooled Again"

Except the Boss said he objected while Pete went to the bank.

I guess you need to strike while the irony's hot.


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