Still Moving In
After three years in Silicon Valley, I finally found something useful on Craigslist. I know most of my friends love Craigslist, but it has never been helpful for me before. The apartments are always too expensive, the jobs are out of my field and the personal ads do not seem geared to me.
This weekend I found a cheap kitchen table on Craigslist. The guy was selling it for $25 bucks including chairs. I should have had a table at the old apartment, but I just used my kitchen for storage and my drying rack. My goal is to only eat at my kitchen table now. I want to stop eating on my couch.
The table is in okay shape. He has a big split in it and some of the finish is coming off. I think it is just the right level of bachelor for me. I do not want to live in someplace that looks like something out of a Crate and Barrel or Ikea catalog. I would rather it look like I have picked things up as I have gone along. It gives the living space more character.
It feels good to be filling out my apartment. There are still things that I need to get. I am still not 100% up to speed yet. I am almost totally unpacked now. I have to figure out what else I need for this apartment.
Things that I have bought so far:
Kitchen Table w/ chairs
DVD Rack
A/V Receiver
A/V Rack
Things I still need to get
Comfy Chair
Toilet Brush
Dish Rack
Trash Cans (Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom)
Night Table
bedroom table
cordless phone
I know there are still things I am forgetting. Moving into a larger apartment is really a chance for me to buy things. That might not be a good thing.
After three years in Silicon Valley, I finally found something useful on Craigslist. I know most of my friends love Craigslist, but it has never been helpful for me before. The apartments are always too expensive, the jobs are out of my field and the personal ads do not seem geared to me.
This weekend I found a cheap kitchen table on Craigslist. The guy was selling it for $25 bucks including chairs. I should have had a table at the old apartment, but I just used my kitchen for storage and my drying rack. My goal is to only eat at my kitchen table now. I want to stop eating on my couch.
The table is in okay shape. He has a big split in it and some of the finish is coming off. I think it is just the right level of bachelor for me. I do not want to live in someplace that looks like something out of a Crate and Barrel or Ikea catalog. I would rather it look like I have picked things up as I have gone along. It gives the living space more character.
It feels good to be filling out my apartment. There are still things that I need to get. I am still not 100% up to speed yet. I am almost totally unpacked now. I have to figure out what else I need for this apartment.
Things that I have bought so far:
Things I still need to get
I know there are still things I am forgetting. Moving into a larger apartment is really a chance for me to buy things. That might not be a good thing.