Wasting Time

I wasted a lot of time today. I got back to my apartment and played Jedi Starfighter for three hours. After that I watched TV for another two hours. I did not sit down at my computer until 11 PM. It looks like I am getting into the same old ruts. I told myself that I would try to make better use of my time. I might not have any idea how to do that. I have to write a letter to Sean before the end of the week. There are a lot of other things that I want to write also. I need to find the drive to sit at my computer. It is still hard to find that drive.

I have to admit that today was a good day at work. It put my vacation in prospective. It was walking into work that made me realize how much I enjoyed being out of town. I spent most of the day reading e-mail. There are only so many e-mail messages I can read before my brain shuts down. I ended up hitting that point today. I still have more e-mail messages to read tomorrow. It will take me a week to get them all read and disposed of. I have to figure out which ones have not been acted upon.


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