Birthday Booty
This is the total booty from both my party a few weeks ago and my trip home. It is more stuff then I was expecting.
Carry-on Bag (red)
Phillies Game with my sisters
Pictures of my Nephews and Nieces in a frame
A Primate's Memoir
Jedi Starfigher for my PS2
Requiem for a Dream
A Big Bag of Movie Candy
Dispatches from the Tenth Circle
Future World on VHS
1972 coffee mug
Assorted Gift Certificates
'The Worst Thing I've Ever Done'
Seductive Poison
Carry-on Bag (red)
Phillies Game with my sisters
Pictures of my Nephews and Nieces in a frame
A Primate's Memoir
Jedi Starfigher for my PS2
Requiem for a Dream
A Big Bag of Movie Candy
Dispatches from the Tenth Circle
Future World on VHS
1972 coffee mug
Assorted Gift Certificates
'The Worst Thing I've Ever Done'
Seductive Poison