
Most of today was taken up by going to the baseball game. My sisters Kathy and Dot took me to the game as my birthday gift. My family knows that Baseball is my favorite sport. The older I get the more joy I seem to get out of it. It is hard to explain. It was a great game. The Phillies killed the Expos 18-3. That is not the typical baseball game, the pitcher hit two homers. One of the home runs was a grand slam. The sad part was that I missed both of the pitchers home runs. It would have been a great game even if the Phillies did not kill them. It was just great to go to a Phillies game with my sisters. I expect this will be my last trip to Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia. The city is building a new stadium that will be open in 2004. I am not sure I will get back again in time to see a game. Kathy and Dot kicked in and paid for my name being posted on the Phanovision. After the game we walked around to the Rocky statue. Dad wanted a picture in front of the Rocky statue.
After the game there was a big family dinner. My sister Ruth bought over my nephew Charlie. He is a lot bigger then the last time I saw him. Ruth wants Charlie to get used to me. He is only 18 or so months old. He is in that stage when he frightens easily. He freaked out when I tried to hold him earlier. This idea petrified Ruth. The idea of family is really important to her. She wants me to have a good relationship with Charlie. Dinner was great. The thing that I see is that Ruth just looked really tired. Charlie seemed to be all over the place. It was like just keeping up with him made her tired. It makes me wonder if I could ever deal with having children. She loves Charlie and she does a good job with him. She just has to get through this time with him. After dinner I played Pinochle with Kathy and my parents. I love playing cards. It has always been something that I enjoy. I never get the chance to play when I am in San Jose. No one my age knows how to play Pinochle. None of my friends play cards. It was great to just sit around the table and play cards. I wish I had the chance to do that more often. I would say this was a very good first full day back in here.
