Dictionaroke gets Slashdotted.
Dictionaraoke.com gets Slashdotted.
This is taken from the redirect page at Dictionaroke.
Due to the press from Slashdot and NPR's "All Things Considered" Dictionaraoke.com is swamped with requests.
In order to ease traffic to this location you will be automatically redirected to the new location in a few seconds....if your browser supports it, Otherwise, click the link below.
Look at what happens to you number of hits when you get coverage.

I think this would kill my web site.
This is taken from the redirect page at Dictionaroke.
Due to the press from Slashdot and NPR's "All Things Considered" Dictionaraoke.com is swamped with requests.
In order to ease traffic to this location you will be automatically redirected to the new location in a few seconds....if your browser supports it, Otherwise, click the link below.
Look at what happens to you number of hits when you get coverage.
I think this would kill my web site.