Travel Notes 3/30/02
I went to sleep early last night. I was tired because I did not get much sleep for the three nights before that. I was almost falling asleep during the movie and during dinner. I did not have any plans. I knew that if I just kept drinking, I might get in a bad position. While this is a drinking vacation, I want to avoid being in a bad way about it.
Figuring out Portland
I have been having a great time in Portland. Everything seems great as I go around this town. I am asking myself why don't I live here right now. The problem is that I know I had problems with this town when I was here. I was happy to leave Portland. I am trying to remember why that was. If I do not remember why, I could get myself into trouble. If I do not see the down sides of Portland, I will pine for it. I will try to line up my return and that will be trouble.
I know that one of my problems is that I had problems finding a job I wanted. I temped two places. I know that I could have put in more time, but there are a lot better jobs in San Jose. There has to be something said for that.
I know it was something else also. I know that there are other things that where were wrong when I left. I have to figure those things out on this trip. Right now I cannot remember what those things were. I need to know what will give me problems if I come back here.
Random Roads
MP3 Player/laptop combination is great for vacation.
I drank 6 pints of beer today.
I am seeing a lot of building around town built in 1912. That must have been a big year in Portland.
I did not see a movie today.
I keep on thinking someone is going to mug me today.
Personal Pub Crawl, Draft at Shooter McQuades, Two Drafts at Kelly's Olympian, Two Drafts at Ringlers
I stole the 'history' card from Kelly's Olympian and turned into a letter for Jeremy
if I lived in Portland, I would try to drink in every bar in the city
Trying to remember the bad things about Portland
Shopped a lot today, Portland Saturday Market, Odd-Ball Shoes, Powells, Everyday Music, and Ground Kontrol.
Got Gifts for Mom, Kathy, and Alice at the Portland Saturday Market.
My ethics are untested
Portland seems larger then San Jose, but fewer people live in Portland
At Powells I talked chess and Deep Blue with a bunch of guys.
At Powells I bought coffee for a woman who did not have any money.
Rode the Max today. I love mass light rail.
Time Flies by when you are on vacation.
Figuring out Portland
I have been having a great time in Portland. Everything seems great as I go around this town. I am asking myself why don't I live here right now. The problem is that I know I had problems with this town when I was here. I was happy to leave Portland. I am trying to remember why that was. If I do not remember why, I could get myself into trouble. If I do not see the down sides of Portland, I will pine for it. I will try to line up my return and that will be trouble.
I know that one of my problems is that I had problems finding a job I wanted. I temped two places. I know that I could have put in more time, but there are a lot better jobs in San Jose. There has to be something said for that.
I know it was something else also. I know that there are other things that where were wrong when I left. I have to figure those things out on this trip. Right now I cannot remember what those things were. I need to know what will give me problems if I come back here.
Random Roads