Travel Notes 3/27/02
First Song on the Mix CD
Teenage Riot was the first song I heard on my trip. I feel I am getting too old to love Teenage Riot. It should be at least less important to me. I was a teenager when it came out, but I will be 30 this year. Maybe I need Sonic Youth to do a new song. “It takes a Thirty-Something Riot to get me to drink in the evening.” I wonder what other people take on this song is.
North Country
There were times on this drive where there were no other cars around me for 20 minutes. I felt that I should take advantage of these moments. I turned off the CD player and just drove in silence. It felt really good to be alone. I know I am taking this trip to get this kind of time alone.
Getting to my target
Eureka sounds like a pretty interesting town. They have a jazz festival and a short film festival in the next couple of days. I should take a long weekend to this part of Northern California. There are a lot of things I could see up here, Trees of Wonder, Ave of the Giants, a tree I can drive though, lots of Redwood trees. I should plan to come up here a weekend this summer. Sometimes I feel like I should explore California more.
Random Roads
Left TiVo’s Parking Lot at 5PM at the dot.
I was useless for most of this afternoon at work.
Got all the way to Eureka tonight.
I drove until 11:30 PM
Stayed at a Best Western because there is something in me that does not trust Motel 6. Peace of Mind is worth extra money.
The sky was so clear I could see the Milky Way out of my car window.
US 101 North would be a beautiful drive in the daylight; I drove it in the dark.
Driving For more then a couple hours seems to be a force of well event.
Teenage Riot was the first song I heard on my trip. I feel I am getting too old to love Teenage Riot. It should be at least less important to me. I was a teenager when it came out, but I will be 30 this year. Maybe I need Sonic Youth to do a new song. “It takes a Thirty-Something Riot to get me to drink in the evening.” I wonder what other people take on this song is.
North Country
There were times on this drive where there were no other cars around me for 20 minutes. I felt that I should take advantage of these moments. I turned off the CD player and just drove in silence. It felt really good to be alone. I know I am taking this trip to get this kind of time alone.
Getting to my target
Eureka sounds like a pretty interesting town. They have a jazz festival and a short film festival in the next couple of days. I should take a long weekend to this part of Northern California. There are a lot of things I could see up here, Trees of Wonder, Ave of the Giants, a tree I can drive though, lots of Redwood trees. I should plan to come up here a weekend this summer. Sometimes I feel like I should explore California more.
Random Roads