Friday Five
1. What makes you homesick? Pictures of Philadelphia, My sisters' voices, not being able to get good pizza.
2. Where is "home" for you? Is it where you are living now, or somewhere else (ie: Mom & Dad's house, particular state/city)? I am currently living in San Jose, but it does not feel like home. I still see the suburbs of Philadelphia as "back home." I feel that I am not sure where I should be.
3. What makes it home for you? People? Things? People and Places make it home. I feel a connection to knowing something about a place and understanding that place.
4. Where is the furthest you've been from home, miles-wise? 2800 miles. Before I moved out west I visited Seattle and Portland. When I was there I realized I could live in either city.
5. What are your plans for this weekend? I am going to a party on Saturday. It is a big Crawfish back. It will be a good time.
2. Where is "home" for you? Is it where you are living now, or somewhere else (ie: Mom & Dad's house, particular state/city)? I am currently living in San Jose, but it does not feel like home. I still see the suburbs of Philadelphia as "back home." I feel that I am not sure where I should be.
3. What makes it home for you? People? Things? People and Places make it home. I feel a connection to knowing something about a place and understanding that place.
4. Where is the furthest you've been from home, miles-wise? 2800 miles. Before I moved out west I visited Seattle and Portland. When I was there I realized I could live in either city.
5. What are your plans for this weekend? I am going to a party on Saturday. It is a big Crawfish back. It will be a good time.