Friday FIve
Friday Five
1. What's your favorite vacation spot? I tend not to go to the same places over and over again. I like San Diego it seems to be a very relaxing place. The Jersey Shore always has a soft spot in my heart. Portland is a great place to relax. I like going back to Philadelphia to see my family.
2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Mexico City. I have never been there and I cannot think of a reason I would want to go there. I know this is not rational, but I have read a lot of bad things about that city.
3. What would be your dream vacation?
4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? I like taking trips with my friends. I am taking a trip with Cathy this summer. I have known her for a long time and we have driven a lot with each other. She is someone who I can really have fun with in the car. I would like to take a long trip with Jeremy. There is something about the way the two of us see the world. We have taken really good road trips to Pittsburgh and Toronto. He would be great to drive cross country with. We never have enough time to talk. A cross country drive might be what we need to say everything. My sister Kathy would also be nice. I would like to take a trip from San Diego to Seattle. Kathy makes me work harder on vacation. I make Kathy relax on vacation.
If I took a road trip with someone famous, I would choose Richard Ford. I think he would have a good stories to tell. I think I could get along with
5. What are your plans for this weekend? I have no plans. I am on call this weekend at work. I might play some card games.
1. What's your favorite vacation spot? I tend not to go to the same places over and over again. I like San Diego it seems to be a very relaxing place. The Jersey Shore always has a soft spot in my heart. Portland is a great place to relax. I like going back to Philadelphia to see my family.
2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Mexico City. I have never been there and I cannot think of a reason I would want to go there. I know this is not rational, but I have read a lot of bad things about that city.
3. What would be your dream vacation?
4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? I like taking trips with my friends. I am taking a trip with Cathy this summer. I have known her for a long time and we have driven a lot with each other. She is someone who I can really have fun with in the car. I would like to take a long trip with Jeremy. There is something about the way the two of us see the world. We have taken really good road trips to Pittsburgh and Toronto. He would be great to drive cross country with. We never have enough time to talk. A cross country drive might be what we need to say everything. My sister Kathy would also be nice. I would like to take a trip from San Diego to Seattle. Kathy makes me work harder on vacation. I make Kathy relax on vacation.
If I took a road trip with someone famous, I would choose Richard Ford. I think he would have a good stories to tell. I think I could get along with
5. What are your plans for this weekend? I have no plans. I am on call this weekend at work. I might play some card games.