The Unspoken Language of Women and Men

I was cleaning out an old e-mail inbox. I came across a message that was sent to me a few months ago. It was a message that I had thought about a lot. The woman knew I had a crush on her. She pushed me off indirectly a couple of times and directly once. I was fine with that. I still extended my friendship to her. This was a message she sent to me before she want to vacation.

Btw one more thing. I am sorry that I haven't been as nice to you as I should be. I get really nervous when guys are interested in me and I just want to be friends. I tend to avoid them, because I don't want to lead them on. Clearly their has to be a better course of action, and when get back I am game to try and spend some time figuring that out. ;)

There is something I love about this message. Most of the time people would not admit something like this. This is part of the unspoken language of women and men. It is expected that some one has pushed back on you. This means they want you to back off. Many times you can back off, but still stay friends with the person. This is what I was trying. I have never had a woman say this to me before. I wonder if there was any way this could have turned out better.


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