Super Bowl Ads
Yes, I watched the Super Bowl from beginning to end. While the game got a little boring in the middle, I did skip out on it. I watched the whole game because I was at a Super Bowl party. I could not skip out on the game. I would have been bored with this game if I was not watching it with other people.
I am glad I saw the whole game. My two favorite games where in second half of the game. Most years all of the good commercials are at the start of the game. They want to make sure people see the ads. If the Super Bowl is a blowout, people do not watch the commercials in the second half. This has happened in the past.
My two favorite commercials were both from the same organization. The first commercial was one where it counted up the tally for the cost terrorism. The second commercial is the one where people are talking about using drugs and talk about committing crime. Both commercials are hard-edged, serous, and direct. It takes a stand on an issue that makes people uncomfortable. The commercials draw a direct line between terrorism and drug money.
I like the commercial because it takes a stand. There have been clear connections between drug money and terror in some countries. Both Afghanistan and Columbia fit into this category. It says there are consequence for actions. If you buy drugs from an illegal source, that money will go to do more illegal things. If you are buying pot from your connection, think about where your money is going. I know this makes some of my friends uncomfortable. I think you should be uncomfortable.
I also like this commercial because it got people talking. People are talking how valid this idea is. People are talking if drugs should be illegal or not. People are talking about the ideas the commercials carry. People are talking about if they are true or not. I know all my links have been back to, but they do list their sources. You might not agree with the tactic, but you need to see the reality.
To be honest, Pepsi ads, Bud ads, ads, mlife ads, and just about ever other ad is just mental pollution. Pepsi did not need to show me Britney so I can buy a Coke anyway. I might have thought some of the ads where entertaining, but I do not respect their message. At least these ads are trying to do something real. If you want to call me on this idea, you can.
I am glad I saw the whole game. My two favorite games where in second half of the game. Most years all of the good commercials are at the start of the game. They want to make sure people see the ads. If the Super Bowl is a blowout, people do not watch the commercials in the second half. This has happened in the past.
My two favorite commercials were both from the same organization. The first commercial was one where it counted up the tally for the cost terrorism. The second commercial is the one where people are talking about using drugs and talk about committing crime. Both commercials are hard-edged, serous, and direct. It takes a stand on an issue that makes people uncomfortable. The commercials draw a direct line between terrorism and drug money.
I like the commercial because it takes a stand. There have been clear connections between drug money and terror in some countries. Both Afghanistan and Columbia fit into this category. It says there are consequence for actions. If you buy drugs from an illegal source, that money will go to do more illegal things. If you are buying pot from your connection, think about where your money is going. I know this makes some of my friends uncomfortable. I think you should be uncomfortable.
I also like this commercial because it got people talking. People are talking how valid this idea is. People are talking if drugs should be illegal or not. People are talking about the ideas the commercials carry. People are talking about if they are true or not. I know all my links have been back to, but they do list their sources. You might not agree with the tactic, but you need to see the reality.
To be honest, Pepsi ads, Bud ads, ads, mlife ads, and just about ever other ad is just mental pollution. Pepsi did not need to show me Britney so I can buy a Coke anyway. I might have thought some of the ads where entertaining, but I do not respect their message. At least these ads are trying to do something real. If you want to call me on this idea, you can.