Hanging over my head
There is a chance that I will be looking for a new job in the first quarter next year. There is a chance that my position at TiVo will no longer be there. This is really scary to me. I cannot talk about too many of the details. What I do know is that I have the chance to survive the next round of layoffs. There is also a clear chance that my job will no longer exist.
This hangs over my head like the Sword of Damocles. At work I am trying to make sure I survive. When I am on the job I can focus on working. When I come home I start to think about my future. I start to think about what my life is going to be like if I get laid off. When I think about getting laid off, this is when I panic. I really do not want to be looking for another job right now.
I am in an odd position when I am looking for a job. My current position is Customer Service Engineer. If I tell people my title they do not understand it right away. I am the person that goes between the Engineering department and the Customer Support department. I am the person that makes the information flow both directions.
The problem with my job is that it is a hard job to find in another organization. Most of the time you cannot just walk into a job like mine in another organization. I do not want to go back to being a phone support rep again. I think I have burned myself out from doing that. I know that there are other things that I could do. I just have not figured those things out yet.
I am regarded well at my job. I know people and I feel that I have a good reputation. I do not want to lose any of these things. For once in my life I am at a company that is fun to work at. As long as it is fun to work at TiVo, I do not want anyone to show me the door. I am not sure how I am going to get around that. I know now is the time I have to work hard and make sure people want me kept around.
This hangs over my head like the Sword of Damocles. At work I am trying to make sure I survive. When I am on the job I can focus on working. When I come home I start to think about my future. I start to think about what my life is going to be like if I get laid off. When I think about getting laid off, this is when I panic. I really do not want to be looking for another job right now.
I am in an odd position when I am looking for a job. My current position is Customer Service Engineer. If I tell people my title they do not understand it right away. I am the person that goes between the Engineering department and the Customer Support department. I am the person that makes the information flow both directions.
The problem with my job is that it is a hard job to find in another organization. Most of the time you cannot just walk into a job like mine in another organization. I do not want to go back to being a phone support rep again. I think I have burned myself out from doing that. I know that there are other things that I could do. I just have not figured those things out yet.
I am regarded well at my job. I know people and I feel that I have a good reputation. I do not want to lose any of these things. For once in my life I am at a company that is fun to work at. As long as it is fun to work at TiVo, I do not want anyone to show me the door. I am not sure how I am going to get around that. I know now is the time I have to work hard and make sure people want me kept around.